This manual has been specifically designed and written for use on a company law elective on the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC). The pragmatic approach adopted by the manual through the use of a worked example containing typical letters, statements, opinions and a statement of case, ensures that the junior practitioner has an opportunity to practise and refine all of the necessary professional legal skills they will require to be successful in practice.

    Company Law in Practice provides a detailed overview of the salient topics in company law which the junior practitioner is most likely to encounter in the first years of practice. The manual has been fully updated in relation to the Companies Act 2006 and incorporates developing case law on this topic. Other key areas of coverage include the constitution of companies, share and loan capital, directors' and shareholder meetings, the role and duties of directors, shareholder protection, insolvency and compulsory winding up.

    Major updates for this edition include the modernisation of insolvency practice made by the Insolvency (Amendment) Rules 2010 (SI 2010/686), which is part of a wider project which is intended to lead to the replacement of the Insolvency Rules in 2013.



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